Using the power of the grid to create design and messaging consistency for a wide variety of products. 

A grid of Steelcase brochure page templates showing placeholder boxes and finalized content


Product Brochure Grid System

– Information architecture
– Collateral system design

The Steelcase brand communications team was focused on improving consistency and effectiveness in their collection of product brochures. At the time, there was a bit of a “wild west” approach without a clear strategy for messaging, design, photography, illustration, or infographics.

With most of the design work created by outside agencies, customers were not being presented with a consistent brand story across various product lines. As part of a cross-functional team to address the overall product brochure strategy, Neapolitan & Co was engaged to create a series of grids to use as a starting point for all designs moving forward.

With the new messaging framework established, and a deep dive into the existing and competitor collateral, I began prototyping grids. Using an iterative approach, the design options were tested for effectiveness and ease of use. The final collection of four grids established a functional but engaging design.

Though updates have been made over time, the brochure grids proved to be very effective and are still in use over ten years later.

A grid of Steelcase brochure page templates showing placeholder boxes and finalized content